Trade Remedies ZA offers a wide range of international trade solutions. Contact us for any questions regarding: Anti-Dumping, Countervailing, Safeguards, Tariffs, Fishery Subsidies, WTO Dispute Settlements, WTO accession, WTO Trade Negotiations, Regulatory Impact Assessments/Legislative Drafting or Reviews, and International Trade Research & Analysis.

Undertaking anti-dumping assessment studies for domestic producers.
Lodging applications with investigating authorities and seeing investigations through to the point where anti-dumping duties are imposed.
Representing exporters, including compiling the margin of dumping calculations and legal arguments.
Representing foreign producer associations.
Review and calculate margin of dumping calculations of other consultants/lawyers to reduce the margin of dumping.
Conduct injury and causal link analysis.
Drafting legislation, regulations, guides, and policy for governments.
Drafting standard operation procedures for investigating authorities.
Compile margin of injury programmes (both for price undercutting and for price disadvantage/price underselling) for investigating authorities.
Represent SACU manufacturers accused of dumping in foreign markets.
Represent domestic producers in preparing and lodging sunset review applications.
Assist importers and exporters in refund applications.
Assist importers with their submissions, including correlating importer’s information with exporter’s information.
Assist exporters in lodging interim (changed circumstances) and new shipper reviews.
Deep analysis of relevant provisions in the ITA Act, the Anti-Dumping Regulations and the WTO's Anti-Dumping Agreement.
Make oral and written representations to investigate authorities.
Providing investigating authorities with technical training on any and all aspects of anti-dumping.
Drafting and presenting training courses on anti-dumping under the WTO, including drafting a detailed guide/manual that can be used by governments and universities.

Undertake countervailing (anti-subsidy) assessment studies for domestic producers.
Lodging applications with investigating authorities and seeing investigations through to the point where countervailing duties are imposed.
Representing importers, including full responsibility for calculations and legal arguments.
Representing exporters, including compiling the margin of subsidy calculations and legal arguments, in countervailing investigations.
Representing foreign producer associations.
Review and calculate margin of subsidy calculations of other consultants/lawyers to reduce the margin of subsidy.
Conduct injury and causal link analysis.
Deep analysis of relevant provisions in the ITA Act, the Countervailing Regulations, and the WTO's Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Agreement.
Compiling margin of injury programmes (both for price undercutting and for price disadvantage/price underselling) for investigating authorities.
Advising investigating authorities on the countervailability of different subsidies.
Represent SACU manufacturers accused of subsidised exports in foreign markets.
Prepare and lodge of countervailing applications against imported products with investigating authorities on behalf of domestic producers.
Assist Foreign Trade missions in South Africa in defending subsidy allegations.
Represent domestic producers in preparing and lodging sunset review applications.
Assist importers and exporters in refund applications.
Assist exporters in lodging interim (changed circumstances) and new shipper reviews.
Make oral and written representations to investigate authorities.
Market research on alleged subsidies in exporting countries.
Drafting standard operating procedures for investigation authorities.
Advising investigating authorities on the determination of the margin of subsidies for different types of subsidies.

Undertake safeguard assessment studies for domestic producers.
Lodging applications with investigating authorities and seeing investigations through to the point where safeguard measures duties are imposed.
Provide advice on type, level, duration, and liberalization of safeguard measures.
Representing exporters, including the determination of the margin of injury calculations and legal arguments, in safeguard investigations.
Representing importers, including full responsibility for margin of injury calculations and legal arguments, in safeguard investigations.
Represent domestic producers in half-term and extension reviews.
Compiling margin of injury programmes (both for price undercutting and for price disadvantage/price underselling) for investigating authorities.
Drafting legislation, regulations, guides, and policy for governments.
Drafting standard operating procedures for investigating authorities.
Providing investigation authorities with technical training on any and all aspects of safeguards.
Drafting and presenting training courses on safeguards under the WTO, including drafting a detailed guide/manual that can be used by governments and universities.

Assisting SACU manufacturers and importers with tariff increase, decrease, and rebate applications.

Fisheries Subsidies

At its 12th Ministerial Conference in 2022, the WTO adopted the Fisheries Subsidies Agreement (FSA). Once it has been approved by 109 of the 164 WTO members, it will come into force and include binding provisions on all WTO members. We are one of the few international consultants and the only one in Africa, that has done work on the FSA, including working on a checklist for developing countries on how to implement the FSA, a Guideline to assist with the implementation, and drafting a Guide for the private sector in Myanmar on how to reap the best possible results from the FSA. We are in a position to assist countries in implementing the FSA, including in amending existing legislation and procedures related to the granting or maintenance of fisheries subsidies.
Advising governments on how WTO dispute settlements work, and providing technical training on WTO dispute settlement.
Drafting and presenting training courses on WTO dispute settlement, including drafting a detailed guide/manual that can be used by governments and universities.
Assists governments of countries affected by measures in identifying all measures that can be challenged.
Assisting governments in identifying issues, including "as-such" legislation, that can be challenged.
Assisting governments in drafting the request for consultations, and engaging in consultations.
Conduct extensive research on any topic under dispute.
Assist governments in drafting the request for the establishment of a panel.
Assist governments in drafting the first and second written submissions, and with the oral representations at the two substantive meetings.

Assist in the whole process of WTO Accession, from the cost-benefit analysis on whether to join the WTO to trade negotiations to revising or drafting legislation to be in conformance with WTO requirements.
Arrange study tours to the WTO and other key international organizations.


Conduct training needs assessment on trade negotiations.
Proving training, including simulation exercises, on trade negotiations.
Training on regulatory impact assessment.
Conducting regulatory impact assessments on trade legislation, including the financial, social, and environmental impacts of various legislative options.

Preparation of market studies, market data, and positioning papers.
Assist industry and industry players with regard to positioning them during trade and trade block negotiations between countries.
Conduct research on the potential impact of regional trade agreements.